Calling all students in the Faculty of Law UPNVJ📣‼️

To commemorate the 25th Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ, we warmly invite all of you to take part in the Veteran English Speech Competition (VESCO) with our slogan “Raise Your Voice and Conquer The Stage.” This competition offers a great opportunity to enhance your public speaking, speech delivery, and critical thinking skills. Don’t miss out on this chance to challenge yourself and shine on stage!

Berita Terkait :  Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FH UPNVJ Dr. Beniharmoni Harefa, S.H, LL.M. Membawakan Materi "Peradilan Pidana Anak" Pada PKPA Angkatan IV Kerjasama FH UPNVJ dan Peradi Jakbar

“Nationalism (Bela Negara)”🇮🇩


Top Three Winners 🥇🥈🥉
Rp. 1.700.000 + Certificates 🎉

📍Registration Period: 17 February – 5 March 
📍Technical Meeting: 10 March 
📍Round 1: 13 March – 17 March 
📍Round 2 (Zoom): 24 March 
📍Final Round (Offline): 10 April 

You can apply in the link below 👇🏻

Berita Terkait :  Sosialisasi Buku Pedoman Akademik Program Magister Fakultas Hukum UPNVJ

Don’t miss out and get ready to shine on stage and become champions! Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any inquiry with regards to the competition.

☎️ID LINE: @caca0599 (Cantika)
☎️ID LINE: @2sfa3vg (Ainul)


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