Thesis trial registration is no later than November 20, 2o22 by uploading to How to register by filling out the Final Project trial registration form completed with attachments:

  1. Paid off financial administration up to thesis;
  2. Study Result Card (passed all courses taken);
  3. Ratification sheet for the revision of the thesis proposal that has been signed by the examiners;
  4. Thesis manuscript that has been approved by the supervisor for examination (complete: starting from the cover to the bibliography), if the examination is offline, a hardcopy manuscript is prepared in the amount of 3 (three) copies.
  5. Guidance monitoring card that has been signed by the supervisor;
  6. Proof of turnitin check (check to, after sending please confirm to Mr. Dwi, HP: 0885811589546 / Rizki 081212679733);
  7. Proof of journal publication (accredited national journal or international journal);
  8. TOEFL Score 450;
  9. Latest Biodata (completed with FC S1 diploma and FC KTP);
  10. Black and white photo without glasses, size 3×4 as many sheets (submitted to the secretariat of Master of Law);
  11. The deadline for the Final Project Session is November 30, 2022;
  12. The form can be downloaded at

Pendaftran sidang tesis paling lambat tanggal 20 November 2o22 dengan mengupload ke Cara pendaftaran dengan mengisi formulir pendaftaran sidang Tugas Akhir dilengkapi dengan lampiran:

  1. Lunas administrasi keuangan s/d Tesis.
  2. Kartu Hasil Studi (lulus semua mata kuliah yang diambil);
  3. Lembar pengesahan revisi Proposal tesis yang telah ditandatangani para penguji;
  4. Naskah tesis yang sudah disetujui oleh pembimbing untuk diujikan (lengkap : mulai dari cover s/d daftar pustaka), apabila ujian secara offline maka naskah hardcopy disiapkan sejumlah 3 (tuga) eksemplar.
  5. Kartu monitoring bimbingan yang telah ditandatangani oleh pembimbing;
  6. Bukti cek turnitin (cek ke , setelah mengirim mohon konfirmasi ke Bapak Dwi, HP: 0885811589546 / Rizki 081212679733);
  7. Bukti publikasi jurnal (jurnal nasional terakreditasi atau jurnal internasional);
  8. TOEFL dengan Score 450;
  9. Biodata Terbaru (dilengkapi dengan FC Ijazah S1 dan FC KTP);
  10. Pas Foto hitam putih background putih tanpa kacamata, ukuran 3×4 sebanyak lembar (diserahkan ke sekretariat Magister Hukum);
  11. Batas Akhir Pelaksanaan Sidang Tugas Akhir tanggal 30 November 2022;
  12. Form dapat didownload di

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