Visit of UPNVJ Delegation and Kazakhstan Exchange Students to PT Garuda Indonesia for Company Visit

Sesi Foto Bersama mahasiswa FH UPNVJ dengan Divisi Legal PT. Garuda Indonesia

On November 20, 2023, UPNVJ Faculty of Law students and exchange students from Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages had the opportunity to conduct a Company Visit to PT Garuda Indonesia. In this Company Visit, students will conduct a Study Visit to the Legal Division of PT Garuda Indonesia located at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and meet directly with legal practitioners who are superior and experienced in the field of Corporate Legal and Compliance.

Sesi Pemaparan Materi oleh perwakilan dari Divisi Legal PT. Garuda Indonesia
Sesi pemberian sertifikat dan plakat dari perwakilan FH UPNVJ kepada perwakilan dari Divisi Legal PT. Garuda Indonesia
Sesi pemberian cinderamata dari Divisi Legal PT. Garuda Indonesia kepada FH UPNVJ

Legal and Compliance refers to a company’s obligation to comply with all applicable rules, laws and regulations in its operations. The importance of Legal and Compliance in the business world lies in maintaining the company’s reputation and preventing violations of the law. By complying with all applicable rules and regulations, companies can minimize the risk of legal sanctions, fines, and lawsuits that can harm the company. On this basis, the Faculty of Law of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta is here to invite students to learn directly and facilitate questions that arise, answering what are the main duties and functions of the Legal Division of a company, what activities are carried out in the Legal Division, how are the challenges and solutions to a legal problem, to what needs to be prepared to be involved in the world of Corporate Legal and Compliance in Indonesia.

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On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 09.30 WIB, the activity began with remarks from Mr. Lingga Nugraha as Vice President of Corporate Legal & Compliance of PT Garuda Indonesia, and continued with remarks from Dr. Drs. Imam Haryanto, SH, MH, as the accompanying lecturer of the Company Visit UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. The next activity was the presentation of material by the Corporate Legal & Compliance team of PT Garuda Indonesia, for approximately 2 (two) hours, which discussed the divisions of Corporate Legal & Compliance and their duties and responsibilities. These divisions include: Industrial Relations; Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution; Corporate Legal Contract; and Regulatory, Compliance & Data Privacy.

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The presentation was closed with a question and answer session for the Company Visit participants and continued with a photo session between the Corporate Legal & Compliance team of PT Garuda Indonesia and the Company Visit participants. Followed by a souvenir handover session conducted by Dr. Drs. Imam Haryanto, SH, MH, as a representative of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta, to representatives of PT Garuda Indonesia.

As a closing activity, students were allowed to explore the rooms at PT Garuda Indonesia and take individual/group photo sessions. At 13.15 WIB, the FH UPNVJ students were escorted back to the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta campus using the UPNVJ bus.

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