UPNVJ Faculty of Law Lecturer Khoirur Rizal Lutfi, S.H., M.H. Invited to Speak at the Boao Forum For Asia Annual Conference 2024 Sub-Forum, China

Khoirur Rizal Lutfi, Lecturer of Faculty of Law UPN “Veteran” Jakarta was invited to speak at the Boao Forum for Asia 2024, precisely at the South China Sea Sub-Forum. He was invited by the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS) as the Organizer, in his capacity as an international law academic from FH UPNVJ. Held on March 28-29, 2024, this forum is an annual routine agenda located in Hainan Province, China. This year, the South China Sea sub-forum took the theme “Guided by Cooperation, Building a Community with a Shared Future in the South China Sea”.

Together with four other panelists from China, Indonesia, United Kingdom and Singapore, he delivered his presentation at the panel session “Opportunities and Challenges in South China Sea Cooperation”. His topic was “The Convergence of Approaches Towards Cooperation in the South China Sea: An Indonesian Perspective”. He said that there are many different perspectives and perceptions used by countries involved in border disputes in the South China Sea. Some studies and research also seem to be a competition to make claims based on theoretical and legal bases, all of which have legitimacy. Therefore, it is necessary to converge the various approaches, but to emphasize peaceful means as a common goal and interest.

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According to him, the most feasible way to peacefully resolve disputes in the South China Sea is to create an equilibrium. There must be a balance of interests for the countries involved, and the most ideal middle way to go is cooperation. Cooperation can target various sectors that are the cause of overlapping claims so far, provided that it is not hegemony and a “fait accompli”.

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In principle, resolving disputes should be guided by Article 2 (3) of the UN Charter. Based on its national values, the preamble of the constitution, and several precedent-setting cases, Indonesia is one example that serves as a lesson in resolving border conflict issues with peaceful commitment. If all countries involved are committed to making peace a goal, commitment and common interest, then making the South China Sea a sea of cooperation is not a difficult thing to say.

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