UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Faculty of Law Students Participate in International Exchange with Ritsumeikan University, Japan

UPNVJ successfully conducted an online international exchange with Ritsumeikan University on Thursday, November 16, 2023. The event took place from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, using the Zoom meeting platform and was attended by students from UPNVJ and Ritsumeikan University. Participants from UPNVJ Faculty of Law:

  1. Rafif Sani (2210611238)
  2. Gusti M. Marshall Alif (2210611279)
  3. Alizcia Parhusip (2210611239)
  4. Shania Subha Adrini (2210611125)
  5. Gladies Agina Ginting (2210611237)
Berita Terkait :  BEM FH UPNVJ Edukasi Masyarakat Mengenai Dampak Global Sampah Plastik Melalui Program Soul Project


This activity aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas between students from different countries and deepen insights. By participating in this activity, it is hoped that students will be inspired to improve their English language skills, thus encouraging a greater desire to pursue international academic opportunities through interaction with students from abroad. The event went smoothly, providing students with valuable insights and new connections.

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