Updating the Intellectual Property Rights Curriculum and RPS with Dr. Joachim Stellmach

On Tuesday, October 03, 2023, a meeting took place between Rianda Dirkareshza, S.H., M.H. and lecturers of the Faculty of Law of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta with Dr. Joachim Stellmach, an expert in the field of patents from Germany. At this meeting, Rianda Dirkareshza, S.H., M.H. presented his material with the theme “Future of IPR: Narrating Indonesian Legal Frameworks Amidst Emerging Tech.” By presenting the topics of the RPS, namely:

  1. Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Copyright
  3. Patent Law
  4. Trade Mark

Where on the topic of Patent Law, the learning meeting will discuss about :

  1. History, understanding of patents and the basis of patent law in Indonesia
  2. Scope, Inventions that can be granted a Patent and Uses of the Patent
  3. Patent Subject, Rights and Obligations of Patent Holders
  4. Protection period
  5. Patent Application
  6. Rights of Patent Holders and Patent Licenses
  7. Completion of Disputes in Patent Law
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In learning about Patent Law, there is only one meeting that discusses this Patent Law. After Rianda Dirkareshza, S.H., M.H. finished his presentation, so that the one learning meeting that discussed Patent Law could be maximized and in accordance with the purpose of holding this meeting, Rianda Dirkareshza, S.H., M.H. asked for opinions and new knowledge from the experience of Dr. Joachim Stellmach as a patent expert, he gave advice related to the discussion of the Pros and Cons regarding patents on microorganisms, patents on animals, and the latest patent matters related to this, and related to patents on animals and microorganisms this does have its own consequences, for delivery related to patents on microorganisms this also depends on how the regulations in Indonesia, and can be conveyed to the public what is the purpose for animal cells and microorganisms to be patented and how important it is. After the delivery of opinions related to Rianda Dirkareshza’s RPS, S.H., M.H. then there was a question and answer session between Dr. Joachim Stellmach and other law faculty lecturers.

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