Student Exchange Application to University of Malaysia

The Faculty of Law provides opportunities for law students to take part in the Student Exchange Program to the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya in Malaysia. For those of you who are interested in broadening your horizons and adding relationships, let’s register yourself immediately at the following link:

Berita Terkait :  Dr. Beniharmoni Harefa, SH, LL.M. Menjadi Narasumber FGD Pusat Strategi Kebijakan dan Penegakan Hukum Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia


  1. TOEFL ITP score min. 450 – 500/ TOEIC 500/IELTS 5
  2. Recommendation letter from Dean
  3. Motivation Letter (in English) min. 300 words
  4. Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  5. Academic transcipt min 3,4 GPA
  6. Min. 4th semester
  7. Have Indonesian Cultural Arts Skills


  1. Registration January 20 – February 28, 2020
  2. Announcement of File Selection Results March 02, 2020
  3. Language Test March 04, 2020
  4. Interview 05 March 2020
  5. Announcement of Passed Participants March 09, 2020
Berita Terkait :  Dr. Abdul Halim: UPNVJ Mesti Menjadi Entrepreneur University dan Go Internasional
Post Views: 66

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