UPNVJ Rector and his entourage visited the Indonesian Ambassador in Malaysia regarding the International KKN for Migrant Children in Malaysia

On Monday, August 21, 2023, the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta delegation led by the Rector of UPNVJ Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm, together with the Dean of FH Dr. Suherman, S.H., L.L.M, Dean of FEB Dr. Jubaedah, SE, MM. , head of LP3M Satria Yudhia W., S.E., MS. Ak. and head of KUI Dr. Bambang Susanto, MA. met the Rector of Perdana University Malaysia Prof. Datok Seri Dr. Mohammed Mustafa Ishak, who was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Valliappan Raju Director of Research, Prof. Nathan Vytialingam Dean, School of Occupational Therapy (PUSCOT) Honorary Fellow World Federation of Occupational Therapist and Dr. Azri Usman Deputy Dean, School of Business.

Berita Terkait :  Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat FH UPNVJ Survei Lokasi Tanah dan Pengelolaan Sampah, Serta Diskusi Penentuan Badan Hukum Green Business dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Babakankaret

This meeting discussed the implementation of the MoA that had been signed by the Rector of UPNVJ and the Rector of Perdana University. This collaboration is a collaboration in terms of joint research, student exchange, double degree. The Faculty of Law of UPNVJ will carry out cooperation with the school of business of Perdana University regarding the MH, MBA double degree program. So that Megister Law students of FH UPNVJ within 2.5 years will get MH and MBA degrees.

Berita Terkait :  Penandatanganan PKS dan Sosialisasi Kejahatan Cyber FH UPNVJ dengan Satgas Cyber Crime RI-1

Berikut merupakan program dari Perdana University:

1) Dasar dalam Sains
2) Dasar dalam bidang Seni

1) Sarjana Sains (Hons) dalam Terapi Okupasi
2) Doktor Kedokteran (Masuk Pascasarjana di bidang Kedokteran) (MD)
3) Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (Honours) dalam bidang Ilmu Data

1) Diploma Pascasarjana di bidang Bioinformatika
2) Magister Sains di bidang Bioinformatika (Kursus)
3) Magister Sains di bidang Bioinformatika (Penelitian)
4) Magister Sains (Kesehatan Masyarakat)
5) MBA (Manajemen Umum)
6) MBA (Manajemen Kesehatan Masyarakat)
7) Magister Sains dalam bidang Kedokteran Translasional (Penelitian)
8) Doktor Filsafat (Ph.D)

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