MoA signing between FH UPNVJ and Faculty of Law UITM MARA Malaysia

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) Malaysia, Dean of UPNVJ Faculty of Law Dr. Suherman, S.H., LL.M. signed a Momurendum of Agreement (MoA) with Dean of Faculty of Law UITM MARA Malaysia Professor Dr. Hartini Saripan, the cooperation agreement is related to student exchange, summer program, staff mobility, joint international conference, and joint research. The signing was witnessed by UPNVJ Rector Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm and Head of KUI UPNVJ Dr. Bambang Susanto, MA.

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It is hoped that with this collaboration FH UPNVJ students can take a 1-semester lecture at UITM MARA Malaysia so that students can have international experience in learning and communicating internationally, this student exchange program also provides benefits for students to be able to learn other cultures, expand connections with the global world, and can develop Soft Skills (leadership, self-confidence, and social sensitivity).

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