Fakultas Hukum UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

The Alumni Association was formed at the level of the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) together with the Ikatan Alumni UPNVJ with a list of the names of the IKA UPN “Veteran” Jakarta management for the 2017-2020 period and at the faculty level an Alumni Association called the Ikatan Keluarga Besar Alumni (IKBA) has also been formed. The Faculty of Law which was formed based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Law Number: KEP/01/UN61/FH/2016 dated January 5, 2016 Information related to alumni activities can be accessed at www.ikaupnvj.org. The forms of graduate and alumni participation for academic and non-academic activities are as follows:

  1. Donations of money: Alumni provide financial donations to hold seminars and financial assistance for upgrading activities of UPS, FRDM, and FKI.
  2. Donation of facilities: Prior to graduation, prospective graduates donate books to the library. In addition, there were donations of facilities in the form of laptops (5 units), refrigerator (1 unit), dispensers (2 units), printers (3 units), AC (1 unit), LCD / Infocus (3 units), imitation flowers and flowers, and paintings (10 pieces).
  3. Alumni involvement in several activities in order to improve the learning process:
      a. Proposing or Adding / Changing RPS Material
      b. Curriculum Revision
      c. Involvement in Seminar Activities
      d. Research
  4. Network development:
      a. Provide  information and references about  research funding and PKM
      b. Opens access for the collaborative link
      c. Information related to job vacancies
  5. Provision of Facilities: Alumni are involved in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) as well as in scientific seminars held by the study program.

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